Relief Funds for Artists
In our everyday lives, people look to the arts for inspiration and a break from their daily challenges. Difficult times show us how vital the arts are to our community. The Arts Council has mobilized quickly |
Art events, Exhibits, Calls for Art & Artists, Artist Groups, Classes & Workshops in the north Texas area
In our everyday lives, people look to the arts for inspiration and a break from their daily challenges. Difficult times show us how vital the arts are to our community. The Arts Council has mobilized quickly |
The TACA Emergency Arts Relief Fund is a resource dedicated to provide short-term immediate relief to Dallas nonprofit arts organizations who have experienced lost revenue or increased expenses due to Coronavirus/COVID-19 precautionary measures. Eligible organizations can receive awards of up … Continue reading
The Dallas Morning News has posted the following GoFundMe links:
Dallas Artist Relief
To donate: GoFundMe.com/f/dallas-low-income-artistfreelancer-relief-fund
Fort Worth Artist and Service Worker Relief
To donate: gofundhme.com/f/fort-worth-relief
EASL (The Emergency Artists’ Support League)
Since 1992, EASL has proudly acted in … Continue reading