Moon Garden: Artworks by Layla Luna

Opening Date: February 3, 2023
Closing Date: February 25, 2023
Reception: February 10, 6:00 – 9:00 pm
Exhibition: Moon Garden
Artist: Layla Luna

Venue: Arts Fort Worth
Fort Worth Community Arts Center 
1300 Gendy Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76107

Exhibition Statement

Since becoming a new mom, my studio practice has had to continually adapt to fit my daughter’s changing needs. Compared to past series, the current work has been scaled-down in size and simplified in color palette to accommodate condensed studio time. The longest stretches to work are after my family is in bed for the night. Painting time is measured by a sweet baby’s sleeps.

Moon Garden honors how a landscape, that seemed like nothing more than a backdrop when experienced, can come to represent an entire period of time or a pivotal relationship. I compare having to paint these vast spaces and full experiences within such a limited window of time to tending a garden in the dark of night…just me and the moon.

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