Artists ‘Round Texas meeting August 21 – Kathleen Finian Shibori demo

Sunday, August 21, 2022, 2:00 pm ART Program

Kathleen Finan Master Dyer – What’s Shibori

Rowlett Community Centre, 5300 Main St., Rowlett, TX

Kathleen Finan is an example of a Renaissance Woman: A woman of many talents and areas of knowledge.


She will demonstrate Shibori, a Japanese manual resist dyeing technique, which produces patterns on fabric. She will also show you the technicalities of Indigo dying.

Come Sunday, August 21, 2022, at 2pm to the Rowlett Community Centre.
Please bring a snack to share. Beverages supplied. Guests $5.00


August – Field trip to DMAOctober 1, Take-in – Juried Small Works Show- Look for Call for Entries soon. October – Field Trip to Meadows Museum, and/or White Rock Lake Studio Tour

November 20 – Holiday Ornament workshop December – Holiday Celebration at local restaurant