Arts Fort Worth – Emerging Artist Residency – deadline Feb. 15

Arts Fort Worth – Emerging Artist Residency

This program is part of Arts Fort Worth’s ongoing commitment to support the creation of arts for all. With an emphasis on emerging practices, this program provides one artist with a non-residential studio space at Arts Fort Worth, 1300 Gendy Street in the Cultural District of Fort Worth. This program aims to help practicing artists offset the cost of living by providing free studio space for a period of twelve months; $6,000 stipend for materials (paid in $500 monthly installments); studio visits with established regional artists; culminating in a solo exhibition. This opportunity would serve as a unique cultural integration project between artists, community, schools, and established museums/cultural centers in the area.
• Artists have full access to their studios *24 hours a day, seven days a week; access to visiting artists, writers and curators.
• Participating artists are expected to spend a minimum of 16 hours a week in the studio. Each artist will also be expected to present two artist talks (an introductory slide presentation to community and an exhibition talk during their solo exhibition) as well as a workshop to the general public and the local arts community to share their practice or explore a related topic.
• Studio visits with selection committee arts professionals
• At the completion of the residency, the works produced during the 2022 program will be exhibited in one of the Arts Fort Worth Galleries
• Application Deadline: February 15, 2022
• Residency Duration: March 1, 2022 – February 28, 2023
• Solo Exhibition: March 2023
• Artists working in all media are encouraged to apply (please note that studio has limited ventilation, restricting the use of highly volatile materials). Applicants must be 18 years or older and not enrolled in any degree program (including BA, MFA, or a teaching certification program). The residency is open to all artists, with an emphasis on artists from the Fort Worth/North Texas region.
• Please note: a college degree is NOT required to apply for residency program. We encourage applicants who would like to make art and creativity a continuing part of their lives, even if they do not or have not pursued it in a post-secondary institutional setting.
• Current Emerging Artist Resident cannot apply again until three years after the date of their award. (A 2022 residency recipient could not apply again until the 2025 grant cycle.)
Review Process:
• One resident will be selected by an independent panel of arts professionals. The selection will be based on the quality of submitted work samples, statement of intent and references.
There is no fee to apply.
Arts Fort Worth – Emerging Artist Residency is made possible through with the generous support of the Donny Wiley Memorial Fund at North Texas Community Foundation.