Cecy Turner Watercolor Workshop Jan. 24 & 25, 2022

Watercolor Workshop focusing on Landscapes and Florals

Sponsored by Trinity Arts Guild and Central Bedford Arts

Dates: January 24-25, 2022

Times: 9:30-3:30

Location: 286 Central Ave., Suite 170, Bedford, TX

Cost: $210 Members; #250 Non-Members

Register: www.trinityartsguild.net Deadline to submit your deposit is the 14th

Focusing on Landscapes and Florals in Watercolor, there will be demonstrations on both days as well as the construction of a quick, small value study beforehand of the large shapes. Students will take away valuable knowledge of ways to paint more powerful landscapes and florals through a predetermined value system, soft edges, strong composition, and negative painting. Reasons for every decision, all color mixtures, and compositional structuring will be given!


About the instructor:

Cecy Turner

Email Cecy Turner


Blog www.anaspenaday.com

Cell Phone: 214-734-9315

Signature Member of:

     American Impressionist Society   

     National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society

     American Women Artists

     National Watercolor Society

     Southwestern Watercolor Society

     Western Federation of Watercolor Societies

     Outdoor Painters Society

     Plein Air Artists Colorado

     American Plains Artists

Master Signature Emeritus Member of Women Artists of the West

Fellow of the American Artists Professional League