February 20 – Jason Stalings Chartpack Products-Pastels
VISUAL ARTS OF PROSPER meeting will be held on Thursday February 20.http://visualartsofprosper.org/
Location: 970 Coit Rd., Prosper, Tx. 75078 (Enter on North side of building). VAP meetings are held in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
6:00-6:30pm Critique Corner and Show and Tell
6:30-7:00pm Members Business Meeting
7:00-8:30pm Demo Artist: Jason Stallings
Jason will be giving a demonstration of Schminke pastels on behalf of Chartpak Inc. Primarily he will be giving a range of shades and highlights with one warm pallet and one cool pallet. One demonstration will be of a more figurative nature whereas another will be of a more abstract nature. The objective of this being to show the range of applications that pastels can have in a practical context. Different pastel surfaces will also be discussed in this demonstration. He is looking forward to having an open discussion with individual members of Visual Arts of Prosper about these materials!
Jason Stallings is a mixed media artist from North Texas. He graduated from the Savannah College of Art and Design and has had a range of experience working in different mediums from commercial illustration to gallery art. He’s collaborated with local interior designers to create a wide range of works for homes and business in the North Texas area. To view his work please visit www.jason-stallings.com
All are welcome! For more information contact t[email protected]