Stephen Quiller demo Nov. 12 at Southwestern Watercolor Society

SWS November 12, 2019 Meeting
Stephen Quiller will be our demo Artist

Lovers Lane Methodist Church Ashbury Hall 9200 Inwood Road, Dallas, TX (NE corner of NW Highway & Inwood Rd.)
Tuesday, November 12, 2019 7:00-9:00 PM

At the November meeting of the Southwestern Watercolor Society, celebrated painter Stephen Quiller will be the featured artist. Best known for his unique use of color and the author of six popular books and numerous DVDs about water media painting, Quiller will demonstrate his use of a combination of media, color theory, and painting approaches.

A popular workshop instructor, demonstrator, and judge, he teaches his approach to color, water media, composition, and on-location painting, throughout North America and internationally. The Tuesday night demonstration will provide a foretaste of the three-day workshop Quiller will be teaching starting the next day.