Lightroom Evening Series

Series begins July 8

All classes are from 6:30pm-9pm.

Digital photography is only part photography. The rest is all digital which means time spent in front of a computer importing, sorting, selecting, tweaking, tagging, finishing, printing, sharing, uploading and showing your images. Lightroom is the premiere software program that handles all of those tasks with relative ease and quite a bit of elegance. It has changed the way professional photographers work and is increasingly the choice of amateur shooters as well.

In the series of four classes you will learn how to set up Lightroom, import images and use the wealth of editing tools to improve your photos. You’ll understand how to use Lightroom’s ability to instantly find any photo in your collection based on keywords. You’ll also learn how to print, create web galleries and slide shows and share images online from within Lightroom.

All classes include an illustrated handout so you can follow along with the presentation.

Dallas Center for Photography
[email protected]