Date: Saturday, June 22
Time: 9am-5pm
We’ll dig deeper into important technical controls on your camera and then move into the creative aspects of photography including composition and lens choices.
- The light meter: understanding how your camera reads and measures light and how it can sometimes cause exposure problems.
- Exposure control: bracketing, exposure compensation and reading a histogram.
- Tricky exposures: how to get good exposures in tricky situations including backlight and high contrast settings.
- Support & stability: keeping your images sharp and vibration free through the proper use of tripods, monopods, stance, leaning & breathing.
- Dust & cleaning: when to worry about lens and sensor dust and how to get rid of it.
- Focal length and maximum aperture: deciphering the numbers on your lens.
- Lenses: creativity vs practicality (and cost!). How to select lenses as creative tools. A look at ultra wides, telephoto, zooms, primes, macro and some surprisingly affordable options.
- Sensor sizes: full frame vs. cropped sensor and what difference it makes to your photography and lens selections.
- Creative motion blur: using slow shutter speeds as a creative tool for both low light situations and to purposely blur movement.
- Composition: the architecture of a photograph, some rules and when to break them
- The art of photography: stepping beyond the elements of exposure and focus and thinking about color, gesture, timing and other creative aspects of photography.
Dallas Center for Photography
[email protected]