Green: The Impossible Color

Of all the colors in the rainbow, green is perhaps the most mutable and multifaceted. As a color, it can lean towards yellow, blue, gray, or brown, while still remaining unquestionably itself.

Green evokes associations of landscape and nature – everything from the palest new spring buds to the dark evergreens of deep winter. Yet it can also remind us of cities and the manmade – green glass skyscrapers, copper rooftops, the Statue of Liberty, and printed money. Emotionally, green has long signified envy, a pit of snakes coiled in the body. But add white and the color turns minty, suggesting more pleasant and peaceful states of mind.

What does green mean to you? How does this elusive color make its way into your work, either as the star player or in a supporting role? The Painting Center is interested in work in all media (under 48” in any direction) featuring green in any of its manifestations for this juried exhibition which will take place from April 23 – May 18, 2019.

This exhibition is open to all media. Exhibition Dates: April 23 – May 18, 2019. Deadline for Submission: March 25, 2019. Notification Date: March 31, 2019. Artwork Shipping/Delivery Dates: April 16 – April 20, 2019. Opening Reception: Thursday, April 25, 6 – 8 pm. Application Fee: $40 for 1 to 5 images. Size Limitation: Artwork that exceeds 48″ in any dimension will not be considered. Image Requirements: JPEGs must be 72 dpi. They should be at least 1600 pixels in any direction. Maximum file size for any individual image is 5 MB.

The Painting Center, 547 West 27th St, Suite 500, New York, NY