Michael O’Keefe: Recognitions opens Feb. 9 at Valley House

Michael O’Keefe
February 9 – March 16,2019


Opening Reception: Saturday,February 9, 6:00 to 8:00 pm
valet parking
Artist Talk: Saturday, March 9,11:00 am

Preview the exhibition on Artsy

“Everybody has that feeling when they look at a work of art and it’s right, that sudden familiarity, a sort of…recognition, as though they were creating it themselves, as though it were being created through them while they look at it or listen to it…” -William Gaddis, The Recognitions

A great deal of my recent work was made during a time when I was reading the great American novel by William Gaddis, The Recognitions, the most demanding book I’ve ever read. Along the way, I extracted sentence fragments that interested me and I pieced them together to make the titles for the last three years of my work. So, my recent work is linked to Gaddis’novel through the titles, but also in the theme of recognition which speaks to the nature of my work. I feel my way through various processes until I recognize a possibility-a possibility that is promising in terms of visual dynamics but also in terms of giving a body to some part of my experience. It is my hope that the viewer is compelled to recognize some part of themselves reflected in the work.’ -MichaelO’Keefe

Michael O’Keeffe earned his MFA from SMU and currently teaches at The O’Keefe Studio Center in Richardson, Texas. This is his fifth solo exhibition at Valley House Gallery. Michael O’Keefe’s exhibition Endur ng In The Posture Of Love is on view at The Museum of Biblical Art in Dallas through February 17. A catalogue for this exhibition,including an essay by Scott Peck, is available.

View the exhibition at http://valleyhouse.com or call 972-239-2441 for information Gallery Hours: 1O – 5 Monday – Saturday