Studio / Residency with Bonny

Studio / Residency for ONE with Bonnyat The Bonny Studio and Encaustic Center spaces – 5 days, just for you!

In this completely customizable program, we will be building your Studio Residency to explore and indulge your specific interests.

We’ll start off with a Zoom visit to plan your Studio / Residency experience, delving into any number of processes, materials and techniques. The Studio / Residency includes full access to supplies and equipment and includes demos, precious time to make art, helpful input, guided research and gallery and museum visits.

The residency is also a time where we discuss ideas and concepts that will build your vision and unearth your deeper “why”. You’ll produce work, setting you on a stronger, more open trajectory – one you can grow with.

Find out more about the schedule, planning your dates, Zooming to brainstorm and plan, pricing and more at: