Trish Poupard Watercolor Workshop

Join the Visual Arts Society of Texas (VAST) on January 10, 2025, from 9:30-4:00 at the Patterson-Appleton Art Center 400 E. Hickory in Denton, TX. Trish’s subject will be succulents.
One-Day Class Fee will be $175 ($200.00 non-member)

Trish has been painting in transparent watercolor for 12+ years with numerous acceptances into national and international exhibitions and has won many awards. Before beginning her career in fine art painting, she spent 14 years as a successful clothing designer in Los Angeles, CA. She is a self-taught artist and resides in a small town north of Dallas.

“Light is the only reason to paint”, says Trish. Her work is completely transparent with darks achieved by laying multiple washes. She is a watercolor purist and does not use masking to maintain her whites by using negative painting to preserve the light.
Trish paints a multitude of subjects including florals, landscapes, skyscapes, seascapes, figures, and portraits.

She has been painting in transparent watercolor for 12+ years with numerous acceptances into national and international exhibitions and many awards won. Before beginning her career in fine art painting, she spent 14 years as a successful clothing designer in Los Angeles, California. She is a self-taught artist who learned watercolor techniques by taking local watercolor classes and workshops. Trish now resides in a small town 30 miles north of Dallas, Texas and continues to forge ahead into the realm of watercolor.

Creating realistic paintings through transparent watercolor is how Trish translates the light captured from images from her own photos. “Light is the only reason to paint”, says Trish. Her work is completely transparent with darks achieved by layering multiple washes. She considers herself a watercolor purist and does not use any form of masking or masking fluid to save the whites in her paintings, but instead uses negative painting skills as she saves the white of the paper to depict white in her paintings. Inspiration strikes often and Trish paints a multitude of subjects including: florals, landscapes, skyscapes, seascapes, figures and portraits. Her work is ever-evolving as she finds interest in new subjects and tries out new techniques.

Registration for this class will be available through the website soon:, and choose the “Workshops” tab.

For more information / registration please click here.