John Solberg Presentation and Demonstration: Turning a Log into a Bowl

You are invited to a presentation and demo by Woodturner John Solberg on Wednesday, October 2nd at 6:45 pm at the Patterson-Appleton Arts Center, 400 East Hickory Street, Denton, Texas. John will discuss his passion and demonstrate “Turning a Log into a Bowl”.

John is retired from the electronics industry. He is an active member of three woodturning clubs: The Dallas Area Woodturners, Woodturners of North Texas in Fort Worth, and The Golden Triangle Woodturners of Denton.
He served as President of Golden Triangle a few years ago.  He attends the Southwest Association of Woodturners (SWAT) symposium in Waco, TX. every year since he became interested in woodturning.  He has been a demonstrator there many times.
This event is sponsored by the Visual Arts Society of Texas (VAST). It is free for VAST Members, and only $5 for guests.