Artist Terry Browder Presentation – VAST Guest Artist for January 2024

You are invited to attend a presentation by painter Terry Browder, at the Visual Arts Society of Texas (VAST) January 2024 meeting on January 3rd at 6:45 pm, at the Patterson-Appleton Arts Center, 400 East Hickory Street, Denton, Texas.

Browder is a Texas Regional Landscape painter from Abilene, Texas. He grew up on a farm in Southwestern Oklahoma, and he started painting in high school. He has lived in Abilene for over 50 years and holds a BFA in painting and a Masters in art supervision from Abilene Christian University.

Browder’s work incorporates a definitive Southwestern color palette, and his paintings celebrate the history and his deep love for the land and the West Texas terrain. His unique style and technique have been developed and refined over years of practice. He paints on vintage ledger and deed documents, glued to canvas, which gives his paintings a distinctive presentation.
Embedding historic relics gives his paintings a richer meaning and added dimension. “Redemption” is a recurring theme in his spiritual life as well as his artistic expression. Repurposing of these historic elements is consistent with his life and point of view.
To see more of Terry Browder’s art:
The presentation if free for VAST members; $5 for guests.