Hands on Figurative Sculpture Workshop

Rockwall Art League presents

Sharon Kyle- Hands on Figurative Sculpture Workshop

November 4, 2023, from 10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

$150.00/per person – All materials provided

Morning Snacks, a light lunch, coffee, and water provided


Each student will create 1-2 figurative sculptural pieces and will leave the class with a completed 3-dimensional “self-portrait” sculpture


Using wire, wood, and an assortment of found objects, fabric, buttons, and other items provided by the instructor we will create a sculpture which highlights our strength, our internal light which influences and shines bright.  Students are invited to bring personal items meaningful to them. Sticks, branches, stones, leaves from your yard, or straws, chopsticks, beads or your personal photographs, toys, small items of any shape and size—whatever you find and have available is perfect!  This is a favorite class among students and through collaboration, discussions, and hands on involvement you’ll discover new and exciting things about yourself.  The sculptures are fun and create much discussion.

Reconstructing materials collected from the street through artwork comes naturally to Sharon Kyle’s ideas and imaginative way of thinking.  Kyle herself is the product of transformation.  As the oldest child in a working-class family her life was influenced by the frugality exhibited by her parents in repurposing disposables into things with significant value.  Many of her earliest encaustic works include discarded nails, bits and pieces of material found in a burn pile along with materials pulled out of old abandoned structures.

You can register online at www.rockwallartleague.org. 

To see more about Sharon, check her website out at www.sharonkyle.art