Every Picture Tells a Story – Mixed Media Workshop

Every Picture Tells a Story – Mixed Media Workshop with Lynne Buchanan

Saturday, September 2, 2023 from 12:30 pm to 5:30 pm

Cost: $60 – some supplies included. Additional supplies needed listed below.

CLASS LOCATION – Art on Main, 4428 Main Street, Suite 200, Dallas, TX 75226

Workshop Description: Starting with a theme, such as family or travel as a focal point, explore and create one to two mixed media pieces with photos, collage papers, acrylic paint, mark making tools and stencils.

Images Needed for workshop

Bring two to three black and white prints (made with a laser printer) of photos of your chosen theme. Photo prints should be around 4×5 inches. A laser print does not smear as easily as inkjet prints. You can email your photos to Office Max/Office Depot or FedEx printing services if you do not have a laser printer.


Two Surfaces – 9×12 in. or 11×14 in. are good sizes for this workshop. It is useful to have two surfaces to work with. Mixed media paper, a heavy cold-press watercolor paper or canvas are all possible surface choices.

Hobby Lobby sells mixed media sheets (17×20 in.) that you can cut into smaller sheets.

You might want to have one paper surface and one canvas. Michaels and Jerry’s Artorama have a variety of canvases to choose from.

Brushes – 2-3 brushes – ¼ in. -1 in. You can use inexpensive brushes that can be found in the craft section of Hobby Lobby or Michaels.

We will have some basic brushes on hand at the workshop.

Gluing medium – Liquitex or Mod Podge matte medium. We will have Mod Podge at the workshop.

Paint – I find that for mixed media, Artists Loft, Liquitex and even craft paints work well.

Paint colors – I use Payne’s Gray, Titanium White, Titan Buff, Cadmium Red, Yellow Oxide, Alizarin Crimson, Cerulean Blue, and Turquoise.

Winsor & Newton at Michaels has a super Powder Blue, Opera (which is a great pink) and Pale Olive. These three colors are great for accents.

A variety of basic paint colors will be available at the workshop.

Mixing palette -paper plates and a plastic palette knife.

If you have water soluble crayons or pencils, they are a good tool to bring but not necessary.

Collage papers – lightweight works best.

Sources for Collage Papers

• Paper Planet (www.paperplanetdesign.com) 6515 East Lancaster, Ft. Worth

• Paper Arts (paperartsdallas.wixsite.com/paper-arts) 118 N Peak Avenue, Dallas

Both stores sell beautiful papers!!

Stencils – if you have stencils you like to use, please bring them. A variety of stencils will be available at the workshop.

Resources to review for Mixed Media:

• The Collage Ideas Book by Alannah Moore

• Storytelling with Collage by Roxanne Evans Stout She has online resources at www.roxanneevansstout.com

• Abstract Painting: The Elements of Visual Language by Jane Davies Check out her blog janedaviesstudios.wordpress.com and YouTube channel www.youtube.com/@jdaviesVT for resources and how-tos.

• Cloth Paper Scissors magazine

There are many more out there these are just four of my favorites.

For more information / registration please click here.