Cecy Turner’s Achieving Light in the Landscape Through Value and Oil – Workshop April 18 & 19


WHAT: Two full days of instruction by an award-winning Texas artist who has been painting and teaching for 35 years. You’ll love Cecy!  She’s vivacious, caring and devoted to teaching how to achieve light and atmosphere in your paintings. She paints plein air almost daily and enjoys teaching classes and workshops in both oil and watercolor.

When: TUES. & WED., APRIL 18 – 19, 2023, 9:30 A.M. –  3:30 P.M.

Where: Legacy Gallery, 909 No. 13th Street, Abilene, Texas  79601  

How Much? Price: $175 for two days. Mail your check to: Lucy Smith, Treasurer, Abilene Creative Arts Club, 4801Circle 20, Abilene, TX 7960


What We’ll Do in Class:  We will do very small “value thumbnails” before each painting to establish a light pattern. Color temperature to achieve depth will be stressed, as well as simplifying the landscape into big shapes for more impact. A demonstration will be given both mornings and there will be plenty of painting time in the afternoon, as well as critiques along the way both days.

Cecy accepts beginners to experienced painters who work in oil paint, acrylic and WC. In this workshop, she will paint in oil, but you can paint in acrylic or watercolor if you wish. Be prepared to learn, experiment and create a beautiful, light-filled painting. It’ll be a fun day with a lunch break. . .consider bringing a sack lunch to conserve your energy for painting. There are nice places at the gallery to relax and enjoy a lunch break! 


 Cecy Turner is an award-winning artist and a Texas native. She graduated from Vanderbilt University and did post-graduate study in art at University of North Texas. She’s studied under numerous accomplished artists in oil and watercolor. 

Feature articles about her have appeared in Art of the West Magazine, Artists Magazine, Watercolor Artist Magazine (cover), The Best of Flower Painting, and she was chosen by Southwest Art Magazine as an “Artist to Watch.” 

Cecy holds Signature Memberships in American Impressionist Society, National Oil and Acrylic Painters Society, National Watercolor Society, Western Federation of Watercolor Societies, Outdoor Painters Society, American Women Artists and Plein Air Artists Colorado. She is a Master Signature Member and Past President of Women Artists of the West. She has won awards in numerous juried competitions. 

Call Liz Bogard to Pre-register as spaces are going fast!  

For more details, call/text 214-542-2192 or email [email protected]


Cecy Turner OIL  SUPPLY  LIST   

Abilene Creative Arts Club Oil Workshop 2023

Colors: (I use these colors; however, you can paint with any reds, yellows and blues)

  • Ultramarine Blue 
  • Cobalt Blue
  • Cerulean Blue
  • Viridian Green
  • Winsor Lemon (or Cadmium Lemon, Cad Yellow Light or Pale)
  • Cadmium Yellow Medium
  • Yellow Ochre
  • Cadmium Orange (sometimes – I usuallly mix red and yellow)
  • Transparent Oxide Red (Rembrandt) or Burnt Sienna
  • Alizarin Crimson (be sure it says Permanent – I like Gamblin Alizarin Permanent)
  • Quinacrodone Red (Gamblin) or Permanent Rose
  • Cadmium Red Light (or Permanent Red Medium by Rembrandt)
  • Titanium White (this is what I prefer, but most whites will do – Permalba is fine, too )

Note: I do not use ALL of these colors in every painting and don’t expect you to have them all. You can always borrow a squeeze of color from me to “try it out.” Bring what you have and are used to using.

Optional Colors: (colors I could live without) Thalo Blue, Burnt Umber

For painting light: (I will have plenty of these to share – I only use a little in certain paintings: Transparent Orange (Gamblin), Brilliant Yellow Light (Richeson)

Canvas:  For your paintings: Cotton canvas is fine for class, or canvas panels. Cotton is very absorbant, so I put a couple of coats of gesso on it. Sizes: 9×12, 11 x 14, 12 x 16. Don’t bring a huge canvas to class unless you are a very fast painter! You will not finish and will not get many “starts,” which I think are important. Centurion OP (Oil Primed) DLX is less expensive linen and I use their panels a lot. For trying out color combinationa: please bring 2-3 cheap 8×10 panels from Hobby Lobby, Walmart, Michael’s, etc.

Brushes:  Personal Preference. I like Silver Grand Prix or Robert Simmons Signet bristle brushes. I use mostly a variety of flats #2-10 and a couple of rounds 6 and 8 and #2-4 filberts. Sometimes a soft synthetic or sable is good for softening (Silver 7110 sable cat’s tongue). I use an old watercolor “rigger” for fine lines.

Palette: A piece of plexiglass covered with wax paper to carry – or, paper palette with tear-off sheets

Medium:  I don’t use a medium, but if you use one, please be sure it has NO odor! 

Plastic sack to keep at your easel for your dirty paper towels

Sketchbook, Sketch pencil, Eraser for your notes and small thumbnail sketches. OF YOU HAVE ANY TYPE OF VALUE MARKERS, TOMBOW PENS, OR WATER SOLUBLE GRAPHITE IN SEVERAL VALUES, BRING THEM! I will bring some Derwent Sketching Light, Medium and Dark Water Soluble Pencils to show you what I prefer for doing small value plans and you may borrow them to try out. We WILL do small, quick value plans. I do these on 4×6 pieces of gessoed drawing paper or you can do them in your sketchbook.

Gamsol by Gamblin (NO REAL TURPENTINE or Odorless Paint Thinner from a hardware store, PLEASE!!) Gamsol has no odor, but Turpenoid will be fine if you don’t have Gamsol. You may bring in glass jar with saran between the jar and lid so it won’t leak).

Paper Towels (I like Viva)

Palette Knife (I use Che Son 810 0r 804)

Optional: Color wheel, small proportion wheel, surgical gloves

Photos:Try to bring some photos of simple flowers if you have them that you can clearly divide into 3-5 shapes if you squint. We’ll separate them into values, then do abstract block-in before we begin each painting. I’ll also email some flowers you can use.

Last But Not Least:  A sack lunch if you don’t plan to go out and ALL OF YOUR ENTHUSIASM! We’ll be working hard and absorbing a lot!

Good online art catalog stores: Jerry’s Artarama, Daniel Smith, Cheap Joe’s.

Email: [email protected]  www.cecyturner.com  214-734-9315

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