Abstract Art Exhibit – Reception Jan. 15

“True abstract art not only utilizes flexibility and freedom; it also employs bold uses of color, line, pattern, form, process, and composition.​ ” Curator Junanne Peck

January Abstract Art Exhibit

08 January through 27 January 2023

Reception: Sunday, 15 January 2023 2:00 to 4:00 pm

There are two aspects to the exhibit. In the large (East) gallery, the IAA Members abstract art is displayed in standard format. In the small (West) gallery, the exhibit is a slightly different format, and is titled, “Immersion Into Abstraction.” Although IAA Staff on duty will have information about the works exhibited, there will be no artists names, or piece titles displayed. This is to allow the viewer to experience the art with no distractions, and no leading direction.

Please come visit the Irving Art Association at our gallery,

The Jaycee Park Center for the Arts.

1975 Puritan Drive

Irving, Texas 75061


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