Lake Granbury Art Association Splash of Red Show – call for art – Reception Jan. 28

Splash of Red Show

January 14th – February 12th
Reception and Last Saturday Gallery Night, Saturday, January 28, 5-8pm

Now that most of our holiday festivities are over, we’re thinking of our next LGAA show. And, the show date is fast approaching, so we’re hoping you’ve been working on that perfect piece.  

The maximin size permitted is 36″, including frame and 3-D pieces
No judging, no prizes
$5 per piece entered

Drop 0ff dates:
Monday, January 9
Tuesday, January 10, Times TBD

Pick-up dates:
Sunday, February 12
Monday, February 13

Because we don’t have a fulltime docent as of yet, we’d like you to volunteer to docent while the show is running. We are open Thursday – Saturday, 10-4p and Sundays, 1-4p. 

Please contact Deanna Thibault, the Red Show chair, at (520) 907-6108 with any concerns.

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