Welcome to Irving Art Association’s spookiest rendition of our traditional fall show! And this year, it’s FREE to enter. Our theme is of course, Autumn in all its glory as well as anything related to Halloween and the Day of the Dead.
Up to three entries per artist. Submitted works must have been completed in the last 5 years. Open to artists in the North Texas area.
All media are welcome, including Oil Painting, Water Media, Dry Media (drawing, pastel etc.), Printmaking (hand-pulled), Mixed / Other Media (collage, encaustics, alcohol inks, etc.), Photography/Digital and Sculpture/3D (sculpture, jewelry, glass, mosaic, pottery, assemblages, fiber arts, etc.). All 2D art must be wired and ready for hanging. All 2D and 3D art should weigh no more than 20 lbs.
DEADLINE for Online Entry: September 22, 2022 by midnight — NO IMAGES REQUIRED! Extended to SEPT. 29TH!
REGISTER ONLINE – click here
Drop-off entries Saturday, October 1st, 1-4 pm. (Drop-in entries will be accepted as long as there is room – call 972-721-2488 on Saturday to confirm or contact the curators by email before Saturday.) Location: Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, Irving, TX 75062. If you need to drop your works ahead of time, please email the curators.
Junanne Peck junannepeck@mac.com
Rachael Gregory rgregoryartworks@yahoo.com

We are celebrating the season with a party! Family and friends of artists and members are also welcome. Wear a mask or a costume or both.
Since this also serves as the closing reception for the Haunted Gallery Show, artists may pick up their work after the party or on the strike day (Sat. Oct. 29th 1-4 pm).
- Online entries due Thursday, Sept. 22 by midnight (no image required). FREE – no entry fee
- Drop-off entries Saturday, October 1st, 1-4 pm. (Drop-in entries will be accepted as long as there is room – call 972-721-2488on Saturday to confirm.)
- On display October 2 – October 28, 2022 (Gallery hours: Tuesdays 10:30 am – 3:00 pm; Wednesdays & Saturdays 1:00 – 4:00 pm.)
- Fri., Oct. 28 6-9 pm Haunted Gallery Masked Costume Party – wear a mask or a costume (closing reception – you may pick up your paintings after the Party)
- Sat., Oct. 29 strike 1-4 pm