Noted for the lovely velvety matte paint quality, gouache (“gwaash”) adapts well for still life or creating luminous landscapes. This one-day class with Marian Hirsch will give students an intensive introduction to this exciting medium.
In this class, students will do a series of easy exercises and a simple painting while exploring gouache. They will be given a solid foundation for general working methods for this medium. Topics to be covered will include 1) paint brands for fine art application, 2) paper surfaces and why they matter, 3) brushes, 4) palettes and 5) resources for further exploration from past and current masters.
Marian’s expertise in the medium comes from years of utilizing this medium. There has been a resurgence of interest with painting in gouache lately, so we look forward to having her share just what makes this medium so appealing.

Gouache is a versatile water media noted for its strengths of opacity and brilliance of color. Not just for illustrators, students in this class will learn how to utilize this fine art medium to its full advantage. Often called opaque watercolor, the medium offers the range from transparent to opaque. More forgiving than watercolor, it still requires a considered approach which we will cover in this class.

Full time professional artist Marian Hirsch is an accomplished artist working in multiple mediums. Teaching allows her to share the tips and techniques utilized in creating her paintings – whether in watercolor or gouache, oil or pastel. She moves seamlessly between these different paints and has years of experience to help artists achieve the next level of proficiency in their art.
Marian is a signature member of the Southwestern Watercolor Society and has been active in Dallas art groups for a number of years. Her artwork is included in many corporate art collections, and she has been published in a number of different art magazines. For more about the artist and her accomplishments, please visit her website:
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