Cognitions by Rene Muhl opening April 1st

Opening Date: April 1, 2022
Closing Date: April 30, 2022
Reception: April 1, 2022 6:00pm – 9:00pm
Exhibition: Cognitions
Artist: Rene Muhl

Venue: Arts Fort Worth
Fort Worth Community Arts Center
1300 Gendy Street, Fort Worth, Texas 76107

Creating order out of chaos, fitting things together, telling stories, expanding imaginations, and discovering worlds beyond ours challenges me. I have satisfaction out of repurposing items that seem to have no other purpose than what they were originally made for and giving them a new life as works of art.

Influenced by culture diversity and a grounding in how art reflects our society my work has evolved from bronze casting to focusing on repurposing materials.
Using the cognitive process I wondered what women did that involved socializing and using their hands. While visiting my mother in a retirement residence I became aware of women who gathered together to socialize and work on puzzles.

A connection was made in the similarity of quitting and puzzling. The worn fabric that quilters used had a past full of stories and the imagery of puzzles told a story.

I have created a body of work made of puzzle pieces and aluminum cans that are woven together with copper wire. My art uses many images from numerous puzzles to create a new work of art. The puzzles I use are provided by a community of women who enjoy assembling puzzles. I then drill each puzzle piece with 4-5 holes. After numerous puzzles are drilled I take sections from each that reflect the theme I have in mind for the particular sculpture and weave them together with copper wire. Some works like “Creation” consists of over 50,000 holes and 10,000 puzzle pieces.

There is a rhythm and beauty in the world that is not reliant on singularity. Just as the caterpillar metamorphosis into a butterfly my work undertakes the same mystery of transformation.

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