PoArtMo Anthology: Volume 3 call for submissions

The PoArtMo Anthology is a yearly publication that gives a voice to people whose stories and/or art seek to nurture hope and optimism.

Submission deadline: December 31, 2022.

Ages: 17 and over.

Language: English only.

Topic / Theme: Positivity / Upliftment.

Who can submit: Entrepreneurs, business owners, writers, artists, activists, philanthropists, and anyone else in between.

What we accept: Short stories, flash fiction, essays, drawings, paintings, photography, and digital art. No poetry, please.

Fee: $12 for up to three (3) pieces.

NB: We are especially interested in reading submissions from people who work on positive projects and concepts.

Read our complete submission guidelines at https://abpositiveart.com/poartmo-anthology.

For more information / registration please click here.