Basic Photography for Beginners by Terry Cockerham – January 15 & 29, 2022

Note: our apologies for rescheduling the fall 2021 workshops due to park construction and the pandemic.

The class is focused on understanding the very basic camera components and how to use the camera to take better photos. 

Location: Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr., Irving TX 75061. DirectionsSponsored by the Irving Art Association.

Cost: For the two workshop series: $10 for IAA members; $15 for non-members. Registration required: Click to REGISTER. Pay by PayPal account or by debit/ credit card through PayPal (no account required), If you can’t pay through PayPal, bring the registration fee to the first class.

Supplies: Bring your camera or cell phone.

1st Class Saturday, Jan. 15, 2022 12:00-4:00 pm (note new date)

Having been a professional photographer for 40+ years my class is going to be focused on finding how the very basics of a camera works. Cameras from many, many years ago can still produce the same image with just a different quality in the process and so we will not get to wrapped up with technology. 

Modern cameras have become more and more complex and they provide some information that is not always needed for a quality photographer. This class is going to be very, very basic – We want to understand the issues that make the process simple.

We will start with the necessary controls  – the shutter speed, the f-stop and the ISO and how they connect on your camera and how each component can work with the other by using something like the Nikon Cameras M, A, S, P, selection or the other set like Canon Camera with M, AV, TV, P, or any other camera.Today’s modern cameras have extra capabilities that are rarely used – things like “Effects” for example is not a necessary tool to create a good photo.

Some of the other issues to understand… Image Color Control. On your camera there is a device that changes the color of light to match the light that you are shooting in.

If your camera has a pop-up flash we will go through the process of how that works with your camera.
How to use Photoshop

2nd Class Saturday, Jan. 29, 2022 12:00 – 4:00 pm (note new date)

The second class will be focused on two things:

First photo composition – How to see a subject in such a way as to make the image more visually interesting. Is the image in the center of the frame – or is the image on the frame on one side or the other or vertical or black and white or color. Subjects will photograph a subject without explanation then the class will review.

How to use ambient light (the light you have to work in) to get a quality photo without electric lighting.

How to use lights to photograph a subject – how the subject should be positioned, how lighting should be adjusted, how to use simple lighting with both simple and professional equipment. Each person will have the opportunity to do a photo using the setup and positioning of the subject. Weather permitting we will do outside imagery showing how to use cameras in mixed lighting.

Terry will also touch on photo editing software.

Questions? Contact Terry at [email protected]