The Mix Creative Space – 2021 Postcard Exhibition
Theme: East Dallas – Wish You Were Here
Call for Postcard Art!
East Dallas is full of inspirational spots that shape its identity, such as White Rock Lake and the Dallas Arboretum. In addition to the hub of creativity that thrives in East Dallas, among the favorite restaurants and modern murals, there is also a rich history that appears in the unique architecture and trails that wind through tree-filled parks.
Whether it’s watching the sailboats from Winfrey Point, birdwatching by White Rock Lake, or the art deco architecture of the Bath House Cultural Center, we want to know what makes East Dallas special to you. It could even be a favorite coffee shop, or your own vision of the Lady of the Lake! Or your favorite neighborhood, such as Forest Hills, Little Forest Hills, Lakewood, Belmont, Junius Heights or Lower/Lowest Greenville to name just a few.
We are requesting original postcards created by you and inspired by your favorite spot or favorite experience in East Dallas, using the art medium of your choice.

Love writing? Write your East Dallas inspired poem on the postcard!
You don’t have to be an artist to submit your work, just love creating!
All ages welcome to participate!
All postcards will be featured in our East Dallas – Wish You Were Here postcard exhibition that will be installed at our upcoming Fall Open House at The Mix on Saturday, October 23rd!
The installation will be hung on a large wall at The Mix so please keep in mind only the front of the postcard will be displayed.
We would like to keep the exhibition up for viewing after the Open House, so donations of your postcards are very much appreciated!
Please use a blank white postcard at least 3 x 5 inches and no more than 4 x 6 inches to create your postcard. You can find these at any office supply store or drop by The Mix to pick up one from us.
DEADLINE: We must receive your completed postcard no later than Friday, October 15, 2021 to be included in the exhibition.
You can mail your postcard to us at:
The Mix
c/o Andrea Lamarsaude
9125 Diceman Drive
Dallas, Texas 75218
Or drop them off at The Mix by Friday, October 15th. We will have a basket on the table by our side door entrance to collect the postcards. Blank cards will be next to the basket.
Happy Creating!