Sponsored by the Irving Art Association
Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr., Irving TX 75061
Note: Construction on Puritan Dr. is blocking routes from the west — see Directions for alternate routes throughout 2020-21
On Wednesdays in November 04, 11, & 18 – 7 PM to 9 PM
Painting of a Turkey decorated with the Sacred Food seeds, Rice, beans, lentils, etc to celebrate Thanksgiving.
FREE instruction. $20 materials fee.
Pay through PayPal. If you haven’t paid through PayPal, pay at the first class
El Miércoles, Noviembre 04, 11, & 18 – 7 PM to 9 PM
Pintura de pavo decorada con los sagados alimentos(Arroz, frijol, lentejas, etc para celebrar el Día de Acción de Gracias.
Instruction gratis. $20.00 Costo de materiales.
Pagos por PayPal. Si todabia no ha pagado por PayPal, pague en la primer clase
Registration required – go to https://irvingartassociation.org/pavo-decorado-con-los-sagrados-alimentos-decorated-turkey-with-the-sacred-food-seeds-wed-in-nov/
Interested in membership? Join IAA. Únase a la Asociación
Classes & workshops are conducted in a Safe environment – We will be observing quarantine measures such as wearing masks, social distancing, and anti-infection procedures. Registration will be required for our art activities, and class size will be limited to 10 people. No drop-ins.
Lupita Padilla