Kittrell/Riffkind’s New Look & Online Store

We Have A Whole New Look!

We’re Live!
We are proud to announce that our all new website is now live!
The Gallery now offers on line shopping.
It was a long time coming, but we hope you will find it worth the wait.
Check it out and let us know what you think!

We’re A Finalist!
We need your vote to win the coveted award for
Best Place To See/Buy Art in the North Dallas Corridor
You can vote one time every day until October 23rd.
Take a minute now to VOTE for us and your other favorites!
Hunter by Julia & Robin Rogers

The Celebration Continues
Our 30th Anniversary Celebration, One Of A Kind, featuring a collection of pieces created for this event by many of our favorite artists from over the years continues through the end of October. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the North Texas Food Bank.

Mark your calendars! Our annual Ornament Extravaganza will start on Saturday, November 14th and continue through the end of December.

 by Jeremy Popelka

In Keeping With The Times…..
We are open and invite you to come see us!
We are strictly following CDC guidelines for the safety of our staff and our clients.
With the introduction of our new website and shopping cart you can now shop online. Elect to ship or pick up your purchase at the gallery.
Of course, curbside delivery is always available if you prefer.

Kittrell Riffkind Art Glass Gallery at Southwest Gallery 4500 Sigma Rd Dallas, TX 75244 972-239-7957