Pardieu Gallery is proud to present “Notes Toward A Re-Enchantment of the World” an Exhibit by Artist Skip McKinstry September 5th – October 9th
Skip McKinstry’s artwork is primarily based in photography and digital imagery.
Mckinstry is fascinated by shadows, reflected images, and glimpses out of the corner of the eye. For Mckinstry “what we see in ‘objective’ reality is merely a hint of the remarkable universe in which we live.” Mckinstry’s work speaks of the ineffable and describes those things which are sometimes visually and verbally indescribable.”
McKinstry believes that having a childlike sense of awe and wonder provides a way to glimpse the profound.“At best, my artistic focus is but a dim reflection of an enchanted universe, but sometimes in the mundanity of day-to-day life, something larger, more beautiful and more meaningful can break through if only for a moment. That is the experience I personally have when working on a piece of art. If these epiphanous moments can point someone toward a broader vision of what it means to live in this extraordinary world, then my artwork may help to serve as ‘notes’, or signposts to a larger reality.”
Pardieu Gallery 550 S Watters Rd Ste 300, Allen, TX 75013
Pardieu Gallery is conveniently located 1/2 block north of the popular shopping destination of Watters Creek at Montgomery Farm in Allen.
Text “myart” to 31996 or visit https://pardieugalleryllc.com/ for more information.