NEW DATE: New materials, New techniques! The VERY BIG Mixed Media Workshop PLUS Consultation day with Bonny – Friday September 25th, Saturday September 26th and Sunday September 27th, 2020.
Hi friends, I’ll be introducing some new monotype techniques and materials this time. We’ll be working toward a series of pieces to be hung together by the end of the workshop! This’ll be great! Note the new date and please join in!
The VERY BIG 2-D Mixed Media Workshop with Bonny!
(Masks required and distancing implemented – Pictures here were taken prior to mask wearing requirements)
Friday September 25th, Saturday September 26th and Sunday September 27th, 2020
10:00 to 4:00 each day
$550.00 All supplies included…and there are tons of supplies!
Plus A Special Consultation Day Monday, September 28th – $125:
On Monday, September 28th, You will have the opportunity to get valuable feedback including how to incorporate some of the Mixed Media processes into your ongoing body of work. We’ll discuss various and inventive ways to hang the work. I’ll be showing a PowerPoint for this including artists who do unusual installations. We’ll also delve into what’s most important to you in your work and creative process and how to build on those concepts including ways to move forward in creating a series. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and will benefit from these mind expanding talks! This will be done in a group setting but the dialog will be individualized and as I look at the work of each person and give feedback. The beauty of this setting is the group dynamic, picking up ideas from my feedback and continuing to build a bond with participants, a community of artists is very important to our art life!
The cost for this day is $125. We’ll start at 10am and see how long the day goes up to 4pm. Please let me know if you are able to participate when signing up for the workshop.

Workshop description:
This process oriented workshop will focus on a variety of techniques and materials which can integrate with one another allowing for a broader and more confident way of approaching your work whether you normally work in acrylic, oil, encaustic, cold wax, watercolor or ink. Participants will come away with a working knowledge of products and their use, a sense of how exploration, experimentation and creating in the NOW can enhance your current practice and become the inspiration for new ideas.
Some materials and techniques we will be utilizing:
Texture – various gel mediums and molding pastes on canvas
(also for use on canvas in preparation for oil painting)
Acrylic Paint – palette knife effects, layering, dripping, splashing, thin washes and additive and subtractive approaches
Monotypes – gouache, acrylic and watercolor on paper – we’ll be doing Encaustic Monotypes on Masa paper as well.
Collage onto canvas– monotypes, various tissue and handmade papers.
Ink and charcoal – spontaneous mark making techniques
Yupo Paper – inks, watercolor and oils
Cold Wax
Mulberry Paper
Speedball inks – Printmaking with carving tools into carving blocks
Ampersand Claybords, Gessobords, Aquabords and Pastelbords
It will be a fantastic experience creating and getting to know one another even better! To see more pics from previous BIG Mixed Media workshops, click here
Thank you for being part of the journey and exploring new ideas! Bonny
Due to the abundance of materials and work space needed, there is a 10 person limit.
Please write to me at thebonnystudio@bonnyleibowitz.com to confirm availability and to register.
Cost and payment:
The cost of the workshop is $550.00
A $100.00 non-refundable non-transferable deposit holds your space.
Balance due: August 14th: $450.00
Add the Special Consultation Day Monday, September 28th: $125; non-refundable non-transferable, due at the time of sign up for the workshop.
Non-payment of the workshop amount paid in full by August 7th could result in someone from the waiting list taking the space so please be on the lookout for balance due reminders. Thank you!
Payment Options:
• Via PayPal to: bonny@bonnyleibowitz.com
• Request a PayPal invoice from me
• By Zelle to bonny@bonnyleibowitz.com
• By check to The Bonny Studio 580 W Arapaho Rd. #262, Richardson, TX. 75080
• By credit card by calling Bonny at 214-405-5993
* By cash at The Bonny Studio
Cancellation policy:
In the event of cancellation, after the workshop is paid in full, $440.00 will be refunded if someone from the waiting list is able to attend.
The Bonny Studio
580 W. Arapaho #262
Richardson, TX 75080