Irving Art Association presents the annual show by the Tuesday Painters group, currently on display in the large gallery. Participation in the show has been expanded to members of the new Thursday Art Group. The show includes 54 artworks — beautiful examples of many different art media and styles.
The gallery is open by appointment only on Sunday afternoons 1-4, Wednesdays 10-4 (beginning in Sept.), and Thursdays 10-4 – contact exhibits@irvingartassociation.org or call 972-721-2488 during gallery hours. Location: Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr. in Irving, Texas.
Participating artists: Sheryl McBroom, Aiden Donahue, Frankie Couch, Susan Murray, Victoria Robinson, Nell Owen, John Lee Hunter, and Amy Bridges.
Tuesday Painters is a group of artists who meet every Tuesday to create art since before Irving Art Association was established in 1956. The group meets weekly from 10:30am – 3pm on Tuesday. It’s FREE and open to the public (currently by reservation only). All media are welcome — oil painters, please use odorless turps. Be sure to bring a sack lunch! To reserve your spot contact Susan Murray at smurray4@msn.com.
The Thursday Art Group is a new free art group for artists and crafters. The hours are 10am-4pm weekly. REGISTRATION REQUIRED – contact John at snakehunters@gmail.com LIMITED TO 10 ARTISTS.
For images of the show see https://irvingartassociation.org/tuesday-painters-thursday-art-group-2020-show/