The Irving Art Association is starting up its affordable class series in a limited fashion due to the quarantine. Limit of 10 artists: registration required – no drop-ins! Click here for information & registration (open to DFW-area artists age 17+.).
Classes offer FREE instruction, but a materials fee is required. In August, the fee will be $20 for a monthly class series. Beginning in September the fee will increase to $25 for IAA members and $35 for nonmembers.
Wednesday classes – August
Spanish Speaking/Bilingual
August 5th &19th 7-9pm Materials Fee: $20. Online registration required
Pintura Basica con Acrilicos
Instructor Lupita Padilla
Weave a Basket with Leticia Garcia
Instructor Leticia Garcia
Thursday classes – August
Fine Art – Cezanne’s Garden Flower Basket
August 6th & 20th 7-9pm
Instructor: Michele Quarton
Online registration required.
Materials Fee:$20

FREE Informal Art Groups
on Tuesdays & Thursdays
Tuesday Painters: Tuesdays, Aug. 4th & 18th. September dates TBA 10:30-3:00 FREE art activity – registration required – contact Bring your own supplies, lunch, and table covering. Oil painters, please use odorless turps
Thursday Art Group: weekly on Thursday, 10am-4pm FREE art activity – registration required – contact Bring your own supplies, lunch, and table covering.