Business Council for the Arts’ (BCA) Leadership Arts Alumni (LAA) are creating a series of online forums for learning and discussion about current challenges facing the North Texas arts and culture non-profit community.
The Connect for the Arts (C4tA) diversity session prompted by the Black Lives Matter movement will address racial justice in arts and culture nonprofit organizations and will be held on Wednesday, July 29th, 2020 at 10am via the Zoom online conferencing platform. Following a brief introduction to the session, LAA committee member and Federal Reserve Education Specialist, Cathryn McClellan Kelly, will lead a discussion of the importance of racial diversity in nonprofit organizations with a focus on boards of directors. Following this discussion, Cathryn will lead an open dialogue between leaders of nonprofit organizations on this topic.
This event is open to all North Texas arts and culture nonprofits, Leadership Arts Institute graduates interested in continuing education, and BCA member companies.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact the Leadership Arts Alumni Steering Committee at leadershipartsalumni@gmail.com.