Crow Museum of Asian Art – Message from the Director and June news


June 2, 202

A Message of Thanks and Hope

Dear Friends:

First: the works of art in the Crow Collection are safe. The Beili Liu and Master Shen-Long exhibitions are safe. The Crow Museum team is safe. No objects have been damaged or stolen.

Late Saturday night, the front façade, window cases, and Lotus Shop were damaged in the wake of the protesting in Downtown Dallas. We are working with the Dallas Police Department regarding theft in the Lotus Shop, and have 24-hour security onsite. There is more to process about this weekend’s stirring events in and around the Crow Museum of Asian Art. I am thankful we are all safe, and that the Collection is safe. A museum’s mission is to preserve and protect works of art, culture and history. We are all part of this mission.

It will be several weeks before the new windows are installed. We have plans to activate our artist community to help with some “window dressing” and fill the Dallas Arts District with a positive message of hope and compassion. If you would like to make a donation to help this initiative or join as a museum member, please click here

In times of extraordinary circumstances, the Crow has always fostered loving kindness and compassion for ourselves, for others and for the world around us. We look to beauty and history of the collection to learn what we can from the past as an offering to our present moment. The museum will continue to serve as a guardian for our City of Asian Art and Culture. I am thankful to all of the humans who responded and continue to respond to our crisis with expressions of compassion and offers of support.

Thank you for holding your Crow Museum of Asian Art in a space of “Ours”. We as a common humanity believe (and perhaps more than ever) in the need for intercultural education, inclusive programs and access to diversity as a guiding principle for content, artists and curatorial voice. Thank you for being a vital part of our community. Together, we will pick up the pieces, patch up the holes and re-open the doors. The lights will be on again, soon. 

In compassion, Amy
Please read the Charter for Compassion here. I welcome you to affirm it with us. 

Peace. It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart. – Unknown

The Crow Museum In the News:

Dallas Morning News: Crow and Perot museums sustain damage after downtown protests

KERA Art & Seek: Arts District museums take a beating with downtown protests



Wednesday, June 3, 2020

9:00 AM CST on Facebook Live

  This week, Senior Director Amy Lewis Hofland will make a special address regarding the state of the Museum after recent events. Join us to learn firsthand what we can expect now, how our community is healing, and how you can help. 



The Crow Museum and the Dallas Museum of Art Arts & Letters Live present a new program, Summer Book Club 2020. Shared virtually, readers are invited to read together this summer and gather each month via Microsoft Teams video conference. Join us for commentary, connection, and togetherness, as well as the joy of reading.

Sessions will take place from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m.

  • Thursday, June 11: The Art of Gathering, Priya Parker  
  • Thursday, July 9: A Tale for the Time Being, Ruth Ozeki
  • Thursday, August 13: Killing Commendatore, Haruki Murakami

Sessions are co-led by Amy Lewis Hofland, Senior Director, Crow Museum of Asian Art of The University of Texas at Dallas, and Carolyn Bess, Director, Arts & Letters Live, DMA.  

Tickets per session:

Public: $20

DMA and Crow Museum Members/Educators: $15

Students: $8

June 11 Tickets

July 9 Tickets

August 13 Tickets