Each June, the Creative Arts Center hosts a Photography Show. This is a long-standing tradition dating back to the Red River Photo Club, which got the tradition started. Occasionally, the show is judged and this year will be one of those years. A portion of the entry fees will be used for First, Second and Third place.
To facilitate entries, save photographers money on matting and framing and to enable more people who wish to remain at home to see the show, the arts center is accepting digital submissions only. This is the first foray into a digital-only exhibit, but Lisa Avila, Executive Director, believes the time has come. “With many people “staying in place” because of virus concerns, there is more likelihood that photographers will submit photos for a digital exhibit/show,” Lisa said.
“Also, presentation of the photo is often the biggest expense, so digital submission saves photographers money and enables more artists to participate. Our judge can officiate from the comfort of home and a greater number can see the exhibit if they view it online. All in all, this is a win-win for everybody.”
Submissions will be accepted between June 10 and June 17 – no exceptions. Entry fees are $25 per person for CAC members and $35 for non-members. Three photos per person may be submitted. Fees must accompany or precede submission of photos. In other words, please send a check in advance of sending the photos or call and use a credit card over the telephone when you send them. Photographers may also come by the center and pay in person.
Photos will be posted online Friday, June 19 and judged over the weekend. Winners will be notified and placings announced the following Tuesday, June 23. The show will remain online on the Creative Arts Center’s website through July 25. Those interested in submitting art can find more info on the CAC website at www.creativeartscenter.com.
Lisa Avila Executive Director Creative Arts Center200 W. 5th Street, Bonham, TX 75418903-640-2196