Music In Motion at The Cove! March 13 & 14

THIS WEEKEND, March 13-14:  Music in Motion at The Cove

March 20-21:  The Art Club of McKinney Member Show
March 27-28:  Those That We Love:  Portraiture by Rebecca Johnson

MUSIC IN MOTION AT THE COVE – two very different evenings planned!

Friday March 13 6:30-9pm
Saturday March 14 6-9pm

Music in Motion brings artists and musicians together to share the creative moment. Friday evening, photographer Wendolin Mercado (top row, right) and violinist Keyreel Raskolenko (top row, left) will inspire the movement of whimsically decorated live models. Photographers welcome to join! Saturday evening the music of singer Kate Moore (lower right) and pianist Tom Sullinger will set the mood for artists invited to create to the music. Artists painting live on Saturday include Kelly Marra, Annie Royer, K D Hafley, Sam Rogers, Darby LaGrave, Leticia Herrera, and Jeni Tomlinson.

402 N. Tennessee St.
McKinney, TX 75069