Gallery Talk with Emily Wiethorn at Art Room Feb. 20

Art Room
120 St. Louis Ave #117
Fort Worth, TX 76104

Join Emily Wiethorn on Thursday, February 20, 2020, at 7:00 pm for a Gallery Talk at Art Room in conjunction with her solo exhibition A Certain Kind of Woman.

Wiethorn will discuss her series of self-portrait photographs that explore female identity, gender roles, and self-discovery. Through the intoxicating use of feminine patterns and gestures, she uses performance to confront her own use of disguise to fit into the social construct of what it means to be female.

Wiethorn writes, “Hidden behind expected social roles, our inner identity can become lost. Through my work, I explore what happens when our masks become so convincing that we no longer recognize ourselves.”

A Certain Kind of Woman runs January 16 through February 22, 2020. Art Room is open to the public and will host a closing reception for A Certain Kind of Woman on February 20, 2020, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm.