Heri Bert Bartscht: 100 Years: Reception Jan. 31

The University of Dallas is proud to host Heri Bert Bartscht: 100 Years a retrospective exhibition of work by the Dallas sculptor Heri Bert Bartscht (b.1919, Breslau, Germany, d. 1996, Dallas, Texas) on view at the Beatrice M. Haggerty Gallery until February 29, 2020.
Bartscht was a successful sculptor and founded the sculpture department at the University of Dallas where he taught for twenty-nine years. For the first time in almost two decades, a significant collection of the artist’s work has been brought together. In addition to his highly sought-after commissions, Bartscht completed over 50 commissions for churches across the southwest.
For the first time in almost two decades, a significant collection of the artist’s work has been brought together. Bartscht had an impressive command of a range of materials such as stone, clay, bronze, metal (forged and welded) and a variety of woods all of which can be seen. On display are some of his best known mythical and religious-themed works. A public reception with refreshments is being held Friday, January 31st, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. the exhibition remains on view until February 29, 2020.
Image Credit: Bartscht’s sculptures on display at the Beatrice M. Haggerty Gallery. Left to right: “Votive Madonna,” 1958, glazed ceramic, courtesy of Lyle and Sybil Novenski, “Saint Sebastian,” 1955, cedar, courtesy of Michael and Elise Chitty, and “The Virgin,” 1960, terra cotta, courtesy of the University of Dallas Permanent Art Collection