SWA Meeting Jan. 27: Gaylord O’Con watercolor demo

The next Society of Watercolor Artists (SWA) member meeting is Monday, Jan. 27th at 7pm. Meeting Location: University of North Texas – Health Science Center, 3500 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth, TX. Visitors are welcome.

For more about SWA, see the website https://www.swawatercolor.com.

January Demo Artist is Gaylord O’Con

Gaylord O’Con is a Dallas, Texas watercolor artist and is currently serving as a 2019-2020 SWS board member and SWS Paint Out Chairman. His watercolors depict sites of interest such as historic town squares, grain silos, city streets old street cable cars, and landscapes. He is interested in capturing a scene with the use of darks and lights and with brilliant colors and reflective shadows. Gaylord has over 15 years’ experience painting with transparent watercolors on paper. His work hangs in private and corporate collections around the United States and he teaches and demonstrates.