Saturday Jan 18, 2020 – 10:30 AM – 4:30 PM
Location : Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr. Irving TX 75061
Sponsored by the Irving Art Association
Fee: $65.oo + $10.00 supply fee
Register by email: junannepeck@mac.com
Note: Please bring one roll of paper towels and fragrance free baby wipes.
Release your inner creativity. Design and make simple woodcut printing blocks. Develop creative ideas to print your own fabric and paper.
Printing from a drawing carved into wood is the oldest and most straightforward form of printmaking. All aspects of the process will be covered, including drawing on the block, carving your design and printing techniques for making black-and-white and color prints. Open to all levels, and an excellent introduction to printmaking for beginners.
No experience is necessary and the workshop is open to anyone who wants to learn how to carve and print.
Don’t miss this workshop with Junanne Peck a member of Women Printmakers of Austin and North Texas Printmakers Guild.
Peck will guide you through the process of drawing, carving and printing your image onto an MDF board.
Please bring exact change or a check for your Fee. I do not take credit cards.
Limited to 8 participants . Must be 18 +

Junanne Peck is an interdisciplinary artist, with printmaking as her primary art form. Peck is a Demo Artist for Akua Ink. She is a seasoned educator and Teaching Artist in the DFW area. Junanne is a TXO Artist (Texas Original Artist) selected by the Texas Commission on the Arts. Her works are featured in solo and invitational exhibits. Visit Junanne at: http://junannepeck.com