Society of Watercolors Artists meeting Nov. 18 – Jo Williams demo

Reminders from SWA:

  • Our next member meeting is on Monday, November 18th. Visitors are welcome!
  • We’ll be voting on Painting of the Year at the meeting.  (Only those paintings winning 1st Place in each monthly meeting from this year are eligible.)
  • The demo artist this month will be Jo Williams of Denton!
  • The 2019 SWA Members’ Exhibition is still on display at the UNT Health Science Center Atrium Gallery.
  • The SWA Christmas Party will be held on Saturday, December 7th. 


3rd Monday of each month Exception – January is one week later due to holiday.    And April will be held one week later this year.

All SWA meetings are held at The University of North Texas Health Science Center, Everett Hall , 3500 Camp Bowie Blvd.  Fort Worth, Texas(Across from the Amon Carter Museum) To see a map to the meeting location, click here.

  • 6pm – Critiques with Lauren McCracken of Forth Worth.   Bring a painting which is in progress or completed for a critique.  Or, enjoy learning as other pieces are critiqued
  • 7-7:15pm – General meeting with announcements and introductions of newcomers
  • 7:15pm – Introduction of guest artist and demonstration begins
  • 8:00pm – Break for refreshments and view and vote on “Painting of the Month”
  • 8:15 – Guest artist continues demo
  • 8:45 – “Painting of the Month” winners are announced

Prizes donated by Asel Art Supply

Demo Artist Jo Williams

A native Texan, Jo Williams has been painting professionally for over thirty years. She is a versatile painter choosing her subjects from the natural world. Much of her work is inspired by her travels primarily throughout the southwestern United States. Williams has lived in Denton, TX for forty years where she is very active in the arts community recently having completed six years service as chair of  the City Commission for Public Arts.  She has a degree in art education from the University of North Texas and has been teaching privately for about thirty years including community education classes for the University of North Texas. A popular teacher, she conducts workshops throughout the southwest including Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Arizona, Oklahoma, and Mexico.   In the summer of 2000, she taught in the Colorado Plateau Painting Workshop at Flagstaff, AZ.  In addition to teaching, she gives demonstrations for area art organizations and judges regional art exhibits. Currently she teaches classes at the Center for the Visual Arts in Denton.

Artist Statement – Jo Williams

Painting is the language I employ to express the intensity of my internal relationship to the natural world.

As a child growing up in the woods and prairies of North Texas, where I continue to live, I spent hours roaming the woods and meadows near my home. The images of big skies, trees, roots, rocks, creeks, leaves, and acorns are all strongly embedded in my psyche. I paint all these subjects as well as all things natural. Even my abstracts are based on natural forms.

I choose to paint in watercolor, because it challenges me more than other media. All of my work involves the use of spontaneous and reactive brushwork and becomes a vehicle for expressing my inner response to color and texture in my environment. These are the constant and unifying elements of all of my work.