Clases del Arte (classes in Spanish in Irving — bilingual too)

Patrocinado por Asociación de Arte de Irving / sponsored by the Irving Art Association. Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr., Irving TX 75061.

Se require un costo de $10.00 dls para registrarse.Si todabia no ha pagado por Pay Pal, por favor envie un cheque por $10.00 dls a nombre de Irving Art Association a la direccion: P.O Box 153 581, Irving, TX 75015-3581 , despues de esa fecha planee traer el cheque o efectivo exacto a la primer clase.

Instruction is FREE, but a $10 materials fee is required for registration. If you haven’t paid through PayPal, please mail a check for $10 made out to the Irving Art Association to this address: Irving Art Association, P.O. Box 153581, Irving, TX 75015-3581, by11/4/19. After that date, plan to bring the check or exact cash to the first class. (bilingual class)

Escultura de Animales con Barro (Animals in Clay)
Wed., Nov. 13 & 20 (Leticia Garcia) BILINGUAL!

Espejos y Cajitas Adornadas Wed., Nov. 13 & 20 (Lupita Padilla)

Decorating CardsWed., Dec. 11 & 18
(Leticia Garcia) BILINGUAL!

Tarjetas Decoratas Wed., Dec. 11 & 18
(Lupita Padilla)