Ro2 Art: YUNI LEE: Space/Time …Continuum and DEE SHAPIRO: Largely Petite

Yuni LeeSpace/Time…Continuum
Saturday, November 2
7-10 PM

November 2 – November 30, 2019

Ro2 Art | The Cedars
1501 South Ervay Street
Dallas, TX 75215


Artist Yuni Lee explores the relationships between humanity and nature in her upcoming solo exhibition, ‘Space/Time…Continuum’. By drawing inspiration from organic forms in our environment and juxtaposing them with man-made mechanical structures, Lee captures the essence of humanity’s interactions with the Earth. Her application of traditional painting techniques intertwined with rhythmic usage of mixed media further accentuate the beautiful, complex affair with the natural world.

“My Inspiration is in seeking to elaborate between the link of humanity and nature. In translating the familiar and strange of the elegant patterns around us, as well describe my thoughts on environmental consciousness, I chose natural paradigms: flowers, tree, leaves, fruit, and animals; I contrast that with human made structures, machinery, technology, etc. In juxtaposing the themes and shapes organically and rhythmically using recycles mixed media as well as traditional painting techniques, my goal is to create those discrete moments that is our humanity and place in the natural world. In understanding that the human influence on the environment is as much a part of nature as is what is also born from the earth, we can find balance in our habits, our perception and beauty in what is both taken from and given back to us, our home, our Earth.”

Dee Shapiro Largely Petite
November 2 – November 30, 2019

Ro2 Art | The Cedars
1501 South Ervay Street
Dallas, TX 75215

About the Artist

Dee Shapiro’s new work in Largely petite explores the intersecting of line and pattern with nature, geometry and craft. This exhibit emphasizes a new sense of intimacy within Shapiro’s unique style of blending mediums that form an abstract composition whether in conscious or unconscious pairing.

This body of work is a parenthesis to the larger work that I have been doing for several years involved with pattern and line.  Flowing ink that informs the painted, drawn and collaged areas are now executed in a confined space that is intimate and demands attention to detail sometimes overlooked in the larger works. Fabric and cut paper patterns are sometimes repeated in the drawing and painting so that in some instances they are seen as one. Within the abstract surface the titles sometimes give clues to the work the interpretation is left to the viewer. Humor is part of the intention not only in the depiction but also in making the work.”