Navigating Nonprofit Life Cycles Dec. 11: Texas Commission on the Arts Professional Development Webinar Series

TCA’s next live webinar, Navigating Nonprofit Life Cycles, will be offered at 2 PM Central on December 11. While every day might seem like business-as-usual, a higher-view perspective can be beneficial for nonprofit leaders who are looking ahead. Just as individuals have life stages, so do organizations. While these are not always clear cut, knowledge of organizational life stages is a helpful tool in identifying possible obstacles and solutions.

Join Katherine Wagner, CEO of the Business Council for the Arts, as she presents practical tips for locating your organization on the life cycle so you can determine what the next steps should be. Register for the webinar here.     As CEO, Katherine Wagner has provided executive leadership for Business Council for the Arts for nearly a decade, expanding business support for the arts through numerous programs. Prior to her current position, Ms. Wagner served for more than ten years as Executive Director of the Dallas Visual Art Center (now “the Dallas Contemporary”), providing opportunities for regional working artists, arts organizations and arts supporters and representing the organization to The Meadows Foundation on the design and building of a new state-of-the-art facility which was completed in 2000.

Ms. Wagner began her career in arts management at Indiana University, Bloomington, where she received her MFA and a Ford Foundation Grant.   Ms. Wagner serves on the Cultural Plan Steering Committee for the City of Dallas, the Cultural Tourism Committee for the City of Dallas and on the advisory boards of the Mexico Institute, Creative Arts Center and Inspire Art Dallas. She was a recipient of the Award for Excellence in Business, given by the Dallas Historical Society in 2018, was named in D CEO magazine’s list of most influential North Texas leaders in 2018, and was featured in the March 2019 issue of D CEO magazine. She received the award for North Texas Community Arts Leader from the Southern Graphics Council International in March 2019 and accepted the award for 2019 Arts Advocate on behalf of the Business Council for the Arts given by the Greater Children’s Chorus of Dallas in April.  

If you aren’t able to attend the live webinar, or if you missed our October webinar, Everything You Wanted to Know about Technology, good news! All of our professional development webinars are recorded and available online for free.

Texas Commission on the Arts
[email protected]