The Catholic Foundation Art Competition: Winner Kimberley Peterson

The winning artwork from The Catholic Foundation’s 2019 ‘A Year on the Plaza’ art competition was revealed during a public dedication October 16th in the heart of the Dallas Arts District.

This was the 14th annual competition held by The Catholic Foundation and its purpose is to celebrate local art in the Dallas area. Submissions came from all across Texas and were judged by a panel of highly respected members of the local arts community.

Artist Kimberley Peterson is the winner of The Catholic Foundation’s ‘A Year on The Plaza’ art competition. Her piece, “Saint Peter’s Fish,” prompts a dynamic art experience, according to Peterson. Peterson was inspired by the Dallas Arts District to make this work unique to the Plaza itself, using colors and styles that make her painting feel not confined to the paper, but bleed over into the physical space. Her desire was to make viewers feel like they were not only in The Plaza, but also in a faraway underwater scene—reminding individuals that they can be both physically present, as well as spiritually present, which is “where the miracles happen,” Peterson wrote in her submission. Peterson currently lives in Bedford and has worked professionally as an architect, ultimately contributing to her inspiration as an artist. Her favorite mediums are oil and gouache and she prefers subject matter with a focus on faith, life challenges and nature.

The Catholic Foundation Plaza is a unique 3,900-square-foot public space located at the Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin of Guadalupe on the corner of Flora and Crockett Streets, directly across from the Meyerson Symphony Hall. The Plaza is in a highly visible location for visitors to the Dallas Arts District and is also one of the sites on the “Public Art Walk Dallas.” Dedicated in 2006, the Plaza was a gift from The Catholic Foundation to the Dallas community to commemorate the Foundation’s 50th anniversary. The wall currently displays this year’s winning piece, “Saint Peter’s Fish” by Kimberley Peterson. Smaller replicas of all past winning artwork are mounted on the wall as well.

Artist Kimberley Peterson, winner of The Catholic Foundation’s ‘A Year on The Plaza” art competition proudly displays her piece “Saint Peter’s Fish” at a dedication on October 16, 2019. Her work will be featured on the 28-by-9-foot public art wall in The Catholic Foundation Plaza for one year.
J. Matthew Kramer, President & CEO of The Catholic Foundation, Kimberley Peterson, winner of The Catholic Foundation’s ‘A Year on The Plaza’ art competition, and Rev. Stephen Bierschenk, Rector of Cathedral Shrine of the Virgin Guadalupe, showcase Peterson’s ‘Saint Peter’s Fish’ in The Plaza. This is The Catholic Foundation’s 14th annual art competition that has served to celebrate local Texas artists.