Society of Watercolor Artists meeting: Judi Betts demo Oct. 21

The next Society of Watercolor Artists (SWA) member meeting is Monday,October 21st at 7pm. Meeting Location: University of North Texas – Health Science Center, 3500 Camp Bowie Blvd., Fort Worth, TX. Visitors are welcome.

For more about SWA, see the website

October Demo Artist is Judi Betts. She is the juror for the 2019 SWA Members Exhibition currently on view through November 30 at the Atrium Gallery of the UNT Health Science Center Atrium Gallery in Fort Worth.

Judi Betts’ watercolor paintings have won over 100 awards in major competitions. 

Judi has received the Louisiana Governor’s Award for Professional Artist, the state’s most prestigious award; the Transparent Watercolor Society of America awarded her their “Master of Watercolor” designation. Judi was selected for a special award for “Contributions to the medium of Watercolor” by Watercolor USA Honor Society and in 2012 received their Lifetime Achievement Award, their highest honor.

Judi is a signature member of the American and National Watercolor Societies. For more about her work see