Patrocinado por Asociación de Arte de Irving / sponsored by the Irving Art Association. Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr., Irving TX 75061.
Se require un costo de $10.00 dls para registrarse.Si todabia no ha pagado por Pay Pal, por favor envie un cheque por $10.00 dls a nombre de Irving Art Association a la direccion: P.O Box 153 581, Irving, TX 75015-3581 antes de 9/4/19, despues de esa fecha planee traer el cheque o efectivo exacto a la primer clase.
Instruction is FREE, but a $10 materials fee is required for registration. If you haven’t paid through PayPal, please mail a check for $10 made out to the Irving Art Association to this address: Irving Art Association, P.O. Box 153581, Irving, TX 75015-3581, by 9/4/19. After that date, plan to bring the check or exact cash to the first class. (bilingual class)
La tecnica antigua del Papel Mache (Paper Mache Turkey or Bird)
Wed., Oct. 16, 23, 30 (Leticia Garcia) BILINGUAL!
Arte Popular Mexicano (Mexican Folk Art)
Wed., Oct. 16, 23, 30 (Lupita Padilla)
Escultura de Animales con Barro (Animals in Clay)
Wed., Nov. 13 & 20 (Leticia Garcia) BILINGUAL!