Threads Art Exhibit at Artes de la Rosa

THREADS Art Exhibition
September 7th – October 4th
Gallery Hours: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm Tuesday – Friday

In partnership with Artes de la Rosa Cultural Center for the Arts at the Rose Marine Theater, Art Tooth is excited to present “Threads”, a group exhibition, opened Fall Gallery Night and continuing to be on display until October 4, 2019. “Threads” explores the literal and figurative meaning of the term with pieces that utilize fabric or representation of fabric. The exhibition also references “threads” as a connection between people. We invite viewers to recognize the many connections they are making when entering the gallery. Whether it’s a personal connection to a piece, artist to viewer, reminders of family figures in the piece, the friends and family you attend the exhibit with, or the friends you meet at the exhibit art sets in motion a plethora of connections that weave the creation of a community. 

Artes de la Rosa – Cultural Center for the Arts in Fort Worth