Japanese Haiku and Woodcuts–
Describing Nature Through Poetry And Art
September 7, 2019 10am-2pm
Jaycee Park Center for the Arts, 1975 Puritan Dr., Irving TX 75061
Sponsored by the Irving Art Association
About the instructor:Junanne Peck is an interdisciplinary artist, with printmaking as her primary art form. Peck is a Demo Artist for Akua Ink. She is a seasoned educator and Teaching Artist in the DFW area. Peck is a member of Women Printmakers of Austin and North Texas Printmakers Guild. Junanne is a TXO Artist (Texas Original Artist) selected by the Texas Commission on the Arts. Her works are featured in solo and invitational exhibits.
To register email or call: 214-336-8526 Junannepeck@mac.com
Limited to 8 participants
Deadline to register & RSVP: August 15, 2019
Fee: $65.00+ $10. supply Fee-Exact Cash or Check to be paid at the workshop.
Participant Supply List:
Roll of Paper Towels
Baby Wipes (unscented)
Haiku (hahy–koo) are short poems that use sensory language to capture a feeling or image. They are often inspired by an element of nature, a moment of beauty, or another poignant experience.
Peck will guide you through the process of drawing, carving and printing your image onto an MDF board.
We will be printing with Akua Non-Toxic inks.

student woodcut