Painting Party at the Creative Arts Center The monthly Art on the Town Painting Party at the Creative Arts Center is coming up Thursday, July 18 from 6:30 to 8:30 PM and will be a new twist on painting for July. Instructor Stephani Shahan will bring all supplies for participants to paint their own wine glasses (glasses are provided). Stephani has created a multitude of whimsical and colorful designs and she will teach the group how to reproduce one of her designs on their glasses. Art on the Town monthly painting parties encourage people who would like to try painting or just like to have a fun evening out with family or friends to try their hand with a paint brush. There’s no pressure because the goal is to meet and have fun – BYOB and bring snacks if you wish. The cost is $35 per person to paint one glass and an additional glass can be added for $5. Advance reservations are required and can be made calling the Creative Arts Center at 903-640-2196 or by dropping by the center at 200 W. 5th Street in Bonham.
Wine Down on Willow Returns to The Creative Arts Center July 26 Sipping wine on a summer evening under a shade tree enjoying some great live music and a light breeze…..sounds great, doesn’t it? Especially when you don’t have to drive somewhere else! Wine Down on Willow is a trendy, local event at the Creative Arts Center in Bonham that got started two years ago. Local wineries participate and sell wine and food is available for purchase as well. The arts center brings in a local musician or two among the many talented players in our area. Dinner and a show – who could resist? This sets the scene for a delightful Friday evening to wind down after a work week or to jump start the weekend. The next Wine Down on Willow is Friday, July 26 at 6 PM and admission is free though donations are accepted to keep the program going. The Creative Arts Center is a project of the Fannin Community Foundation, a 501(c)3 non-profit and is located one block west of the Bonham square on the north side of 5th Street. For more information, call the center at 903-640-2196. To check out their other programs or activities, see them on Facebook and online at www.creativeartscenterbonham.com.

Summer Camp at the Creative Arts Center There is one more chance for your child to enjoy a week of Summer Camp at the Creative Arts Center. From July 29 through August 2, camp will be offered with Theater Class in the morning from 10 to 12:00 and Art Class in the afternoon from 12:30 to 2:30. Children may participate in either class for $60/week or both classes for $100/week. There is a sibling discount of $10 and scholarships are available. Theater Class teaches a wide variety of life skills – responsibility, working as a team, speaking in front of a group and many more. The class will present a short skit on Friday so parents can see what they’ve learned. Art Class is a no-pressure outlet for creative kids who will work on numerous art projects in assorted media. Their artwork will be presented at the end of the week. Eric Vest is the camp instructor and has been one of the center’s most popular camp teachers. Parents are asked to sign their children up in advance by coming by the Creative Arts Center. Enrollment forms are available at the center and online at creativeartscenterbonham.com.
Lisa Avila Executive Director
Creative Arts Center200 W. 5th Street, Bonham, TX 75418903-640-2196 www.creativeartscenterbonham.com